
Puzzles games

Tägliches Codewort

2 new German code words puzzles everyday. Solve the crossword puzzle. Each letter has…

Palabra de Código Del Dia

2 new Spanish code words puzzles everyday. Solve the crossword puzzle. Each letter has…

Dagelijks Codewoord

2 new Dutch code words puzzles everyday. Solve the crossword puzzle. Each letter has…

Daily Code Words

2 new English code words puzzles everyday. Solve the crossword puzzle. Each letter has…

Tägliches Anagramm Kreuzworträtsel

Everyday a new Anagram Crossword to solve in the German language. The solution of…

Dagelijkse Anagram Kruiswoord

Everyday a new Anagram Crossword to solve in the Dutch language. The solution of…

Crucigrama de Anagramas Diario

Everyday a new Anagram Crossword to solve in the Spanish language. The solution of…

Daily Anagram Crossword

Everyday a new Anagram Crossword to solve. The solution of every word is an…

Daily StoStone

Every day 6 new StoStone puzzles. Solve the puzzle by following the rules. The…

Jigsaw Cities 2

10 new great cities to complete in this jigsaw puzzle game. Move all jigsaw…